
Matthew Hefferon

Developer Advocate

I've spent the last 10+ years working in data and analytics and currently work as a developer advocate at Metabase.

Licenses & Certifications

I'm Tableau Certified and received the Google Business Intelligence and Meta Front End Developer certifications.

Tableau desktop specialist badge
Google Business Intelligence Certificate
Meta Front-End Developer Certificate

Embedded Analytics at EVERFI

I was tasked to help build the customer-facing analytics. I used the following technologies Tableau, Redshift and Snowflake.

EVERFI screenshot
EVERFI screenshot
EVERFI screenshot
EVERFI screenshot

Embedded Analytics at Bunny

I was hired as employee #8 and tasked to build the customer-facing analytics. I used the following technologies Metabase, React and PostgreSQL.

Bunny screenshot
Bunny screenshot
Bunny screenshot
Bunny screenshot

YouTube Channel

I started a YouTube channel to teach people about data visualization. I have 3.3K subscribers with over ~890K views. Here are some of my most viewed videos.

YouTube screenshot
YouTube screenshot
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Let's Connect!